10 Reasons Why Restaurants Shouldn’t Run Their Own Social Media

So many restaurants try to effectively market their business and end up hurting themselves in the long run by focusing on something that requires full time attention. This is especially common for those who are "good at it" and cant seem to knock the self pride. You might be good at washing dishes but I'm sure you will find your time is better spent elsewhere. In this article, you will learn why restaurants are not only stunting their growth by concentrating on social media, but also hurting their bottom line.

10 Reasons Why Restaurants Shouldn’t Run Their Own Social Media

  1. KNOWLEDGE: Powerful social media marketing requires expertise, creativity, effective communication, constant adaptation to the marketing landscape, the ability to cultivate value, and build attention. You wouldn’t hire a social media guru to cook your food, then why take the role of a marketing professional?


  2. EXPERIENCE: Utilizing a digital partner that has the experience of managing, branding, and growing restaurants across many niches will save you time, money, and get you results faster. We know what works, what doesn’t, and how to best navigate the top social media platforms and reputation websites. Been there, done that!


  3. LACK OF STRUCTURE, SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE: Proper SSS is everything. Without it, you are leaving $$ on the table! Your social media is only as powerful as your internal structure, designated systems in place, and specific software for targeting your demographic. Remember, not every dish is created the same, neither are social media agencies.


  4. TIME INTENSIVE: You didn’t get into this business to live in the business, did you? All too often, restaurant owners get sucked in to the day to day operations including social media. Your time is not best spent answering yelp reviews, replying to messages and speaking to influencers. Don’t downgrade your vision, life, or business plan. Remove the bed and the pillow from the office, and take back control of your life.


  5. A JOB IN ITSELF: Sorry to burst your bubble, but whoever told you running your own social media is easy most likely doesn’t have any experience or knowledge doing so. These people have convinced themselves they are capable, but then wonder why they are achieving poor results. Too many restaurants underestimate the importance of this. Social media wasn’t on the job description when your manager applied!


  6. WEARS TOO MANY HATS: Sound familiar? If not executed properly, the job of a restaurant owner can be stressful and tiring. Worrying about doing the job of multiple people doesn’t result in a strong, healthy business or lifestyle. Micromanage no more! The less you have to oversee, the better. That’s why we are here so you can focus on what you’re good at, your business!


  7. MARKETING BECOMES AN AFTERTHOUGHT: Marketing is the single most important thing for your business! Many restaurant owners put everything else first before this. Without customers in your seats, nothing else matters. Period.


  8. YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR: You believe in quality. The best ingredients. The best service. You know it pays the best dividend. Then why treat your social media any differently? Marketing is the lifeline of your business.


  9. MISGUIDED PERCEPTION: We see this all the time. You’ve told yourself that if you run your own social media, the restaurant will save money. This couldn’t be further from the truth. More attention equals more customers. You have good intentions, although they are not what’s best for your bottom line.


  10. LEVERAGE IS EVERYTHING: Imagine being able to get more done on a daily basis? There is only 24 hours in a day. You don’t work every position in the restaurant for a reason. Focus on why you started this business in the first place, do what you love, and what you are great at. Complete crucial tasks while your marketing is being dominated for you. Expand your business faster and more efficiently.